Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
News from the end of August 2022, including some updates on fall premiere dates.
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Hi, and welcome to the August 29, 2022, edition of Watching This Week, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada.
Following another fairly slow week for TV programming news, we briefly recap some news about fall arrivals, point out a new way to get Apple TV+ for less through Costco, and answer a reader question about Constantine. That's after our guide to the week ahead, of course.
A note about the upcoming long weekend: going forward, we intend to send out this newsletter weekly, even on holiday Mondays we might have skipped in the past, to ensure you have an up-to-date guide for that week. However, the long-weekend versions may be abbreviated to just the weekly guide, and that is likely what we will do this coming Monday.
Compiled from our monthly listings and/or any subsequent updates we've come across. Some series/seasons may have weekly rollouts; we won't list new episodes every week (though we may note significant episodes such as series finales). The most notable premiere for each service (where applicable, in our rough estimation) is bolded.
Here's a reader question we've received recently by email (hello@wherecaniwatch.ca) or Twitter (@wherewatchtv). We welcome questions of general interest, and publish a few of them (and our answers) from time to time; messages may be edited for brevity and clarity.
Anusha: Where can I stream Constantine, the series that was on NBC for one season, without having to buy it separately? Also, is there a streaming service that has all DC Comics titles in one place like Disney+ for Marvel titles?
WCIW: There isn’t a lot of demand among streaming services to be able to stream older single-season series like Constantine, unfortunately. The only option at the moment would be to buy the season through a digital retailer, as you’ve noted, or on DVD.
The series is owned by Warner Bros., so if / when the Warner Bros. Discovery streaming service HBO Max launches in Canada, there’s a good chance it’d be available there as it is in the United States.
That is really also your answer to whether there’ll be a service that collects the other DC movies and TV shows – almost all of that content is ultimately owned by Warner Bros. so it would be most logical for that content to land on HBO Max if it ever launches here. But that is unlikely to happen at least until HBO’s current contracts with Bell Media / Crave runs out, which is at least a few years away.
Until then, the best you can likely do is reach out to the services you subscribe to (or would be willing to subscribe to) and ask them about adding it, but ultimately it would be a business decision for them.
As of this writing, the only major update from the past week was to our post about She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, just to indicate how to find the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, as there is some backstory in the film for one of the villains in the ongoing Disney+ series (but the movie in question is not currently on Disney+ in Canada).
Thanks for reading – we greatly appreciate your support. If you like this newsletter, please consider forwarding to a friend who might be interested, or if you're in a position to do so, support our hosting costs with a paid subscription, which includes access to our movie streaming rights database, or on a one-time basis via our Buy Me a Coffee page.
If you're new to Watching This Week, you can catch up on past editions here, and sign up to receive future editions on our website at https://www.wherecaniwatch.ca/newsletter/. Or, if you're reading this on the web, you can use the form directly below.
We'll see you in a few days with our monthly guide for September, and again next week.
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