Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
Where Can I Watch is a web publication intended to help Canadian media consumers to find out where (and when) they can find the programming they want, helping them work through the confusion of the current media landscape.
This site is written and produced by me, Joshua Gorner. My main job is as a software developer, and I should be abundantly clear that I do not have any direct experience working in the media industry. However, I've long had an interest in that industry (especially as it affects Canada), and this is intended as an outlet for that interest.
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This site also generates revenue through affiliate links, as described below.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could read this entire section before contacting us as we will not respond merely to restate policies already listed here.
If you have any comments or questions about the Where Can I Watch website, or if you represent a media outlet with programming you want to tell us about, please email us at hello@wherecaniwatch.ca. Please note that WCIW does not have any connection to any broadcaster or streaming company, studio, or personnel, and we will not respond to or forward any messages attempting to contact such parties.
If you're a reader sending a question or comment of general interest about the topics we cover, we reserve the right to publish your question or comment on our site, unless you clearly mark it as "Not for Publication" (or similar). If we use such a submission, we reserve the right to edit it for brevity / clarity, and will generally credit you with your first name and last initial unless you specifically request something different.
We do not accept sponsored or guest posts, and we do not participate in link exchanges or content collaborations.
Please note that, as this is currently a one-person side project, we may not be able to respond immediately, or in all cases. Please note as well that we do not respond to requests made about WCIW to the publisher's personal social media accounts or addresses.
This site does not claim to be a comprehensive directory of every TV program that might be available in Canada, and (especially as this is a small operation) we cannot guarantee that every listing will be 100% up to date.
If you can't find a program here, or if you have difficulty verifying availability, there are a few other sites with searchable databases, like JustWatch, and device-specific apps like Apple TV, Google TV, and Roku, that may be able to help you. (We don't specifically endorse them or vouch for their completeness either, but they can be useful in some cases.)
If you've consulted these resources and you're still uncertain about whether a show is available in Canada, please feel free to contact us at the email address above – we can't guarantee we can investigate every request, but we'll do what we can.
I (Joshua) do not, and I do not currently intend to, work for any media company or retailer whose products / services are discussed on this site. Apart from incidental affiliate links (see below), I do not and will not accept any payment in exchange for discussing or promoting media-related products and services in editorial content on this site. If and when we choose to carry advertisements, they will be clearly marked and/or separated.
My current day-job employer, Crowdmark Inc., is an educational technology company, not a media company, and is not affiliated with any media companies. However, some of Crowdmark's competitors are owned by investment companies that may happen to own interests in some of the media companies discussed.
I hold some investments in cap-weighted index funds which themselves hold – among their many publicly-traded holdings – shares of various Canadian and international media, telecommunications, technology, and retail companies whose products could be discussed on this site.
As of June 2022, the largest single company that's indirectly represented in my portfolio was Apple, followed by Microsoft, Alphabet, and Amazon. This should not be too surprising as these are the largest publicly-traded companies in North America (based on market capitalization), and among the largest in the world. Each of these still represents a very small fraction (less than 2%) of my overall portfolio, and makes up a negligble fraction (less than 0.0001%) of each company's total number of shares.
To be clear, I do not currently hold any direct positions in these or any other media companies, nor do I have any meaningful influence on the investments made by the funds I invest in, which may change from time to time.
I do have one direct investment in a company: one hundred shares in Carnival plc, the UK entity of the dual-listed cruise line operator. Carnival produces a few of its own TV shows but is not meaningfully involved in the Canadian media industry. I hold these shares solely in relation to a shareholder benefit that I may use from time to time.
It is theoretically possible that my posts (and the actions that readers may take on them) could influence these companies' performance and stock prices – but even if they did, I believe the impact on my investments would be negligible.
This section was last updated on June 25, 2022.
Posts on this site may include affiliate links. If you click one of these links and make a qualifying purchase, we may receive an affiliate commission (i.e., earn money) for that purchase, which helps us to cover the costs of hosting and maintaining this site. Affiliate programs we may use include, without limitation:
The use of these affiliate programs should not be read as an endorsement of the providers' products or services. In general, we are using them in cases where we'd be linking to these services anyway, and where the payments we receive do not affect the end price our readers pay.
We try our best not to have the availability or benefits of affiliate links affect which products or programs we discuss or link to – that is, we will try not to link to something solely because of an affiliate relationship, or fail to discuss or link to other options because we don't have such a relationship. That said, for physical items like DVDs, we tend to focus on retailer(s) with which we have affiliate relationships rather than list every single possible retailer. And we concede that, given limited time, we may spend a bit more time on topics relating to media that can generate affiliate revenue over those that cannot.
In any event, this is currently a one-person operation, so updates may be sporadic and feedback regarding possible oversights is welcome (at the email address above).
This site is published using (and hosted by) Ghost. The site theme is derived from a open-source theme by HTML5 UP and used under the MIT and CC-BY-3.0 licences. The site favicon / social media icon is adapted from the OpenMoji emoji set (CC-SA-4.0).
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