Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
News about streaming releases for "In the Heights", the "Head of the Class" reboot, and more.
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Welcome to the October 25, 2021 edition of This Week in WCIW, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada. This week, we have news about In the Heights, the new Adele special, Everybody Loves Raymond, the Head of the Class reboot, and more. But first...
If you were expecting us to provide any additional insight on the family drama surrounding Rogers Communications right now, well, we don't have much to add ourselves.
Suffice it to say, there are currently two different groups, each backed by a faction of the Rogers family, purporting to represent the majority of the board of directors of the cable/wireless/media company. One group explicitly supports current CEO Joe Natale, and the other is led by a Rogers family member who, according to reports, recently failed in an attempt to oust Natale. There may be a protracted legal battle to determine which one is actually in control.
There's plenty to catch up on via the reporting of other outlets. That said, the Twitter account in the name of board member Martha Rogers (not verified by Twitter, but longstanding and not disputed elsewhere as being hers) was an interesting read this weekend.
This past week, we added posts about the Dune movie that opened in theatres this past weekend, and about Free Guy, which recently became available on Disney+.
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We'll see you again next week, when we plan to bring you our look at what's new on streaming for November.
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