Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
Answering a question about "The North Water" [updated July 21], plus news about "American Horror Stories" and "Madame X" in Canada.
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Welcome to the July 19, 2021 edition of This Week in WCIW, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada.
Not too much news this week, though there are a couple of reader questions we answer below. But first...
We've been working for a couple of weeks on a new resource to help provide extra value for those of you who've chosen to pay for a subscription to WCIW. While work is still in progress, at this point the idea is clear enough for us to outline it here.
Basically, it's a table that collects the data we know about the streaming windows for recent movies in Canada. It'll allow you to quickly find where a movie is (or will be) available on streaming, and – to the extent we know or can estimate – when and how long it'll be available there.
Here's a screenshot of the sort of data you'll be able to find there (using a couple of slightly older films):
From that, you should be able to figure out where (if anywhere) a recent movie is currently available to stream, or where it'll be available next. (For most movies released prior to 2018, it's almost certainly past the point where things like pay windows would apply, and your best bet is likely still searching something like JustWatch.)
In a few cases, based on past data, we will be able to make projections about when movies will arrive or depart from streaming services, unless / until there are final announcements from the services in question about availability.
Again, we're still working on this, but current paid subscribers will get more information in the next couple of days about how to try this out. For everyone else, we'll keep you posted once this data is in a more complete state.
We've added new posts about American Horror Stories (as noted above), Space Jam: A New Legacy (now in theatres and on PVOD in Canada), and the Tokyo Olympics, which are (for now) scheduled to start this Friday.
Thanks for reading – we greatly appreciate your support. If you like this newsletter, please consider forwarding to a friend who might be interested, or if you're in a position to do so, support our hosting costs with a paid subscription or via our Buy Me a Coffee page.
If you're new to This Week in WCIW, you can catch up on past editions here, and sign up to receive future editions on our website at https://www.wherecaniwatch.ca/newsletter/. Or, if you're reading this on the web, you can use the form directly below.
We'll see you again next week.
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