Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
Why that Netflix / Sony deal doesn't really affect Canada, plus news about Peacock's "Rutherford Falls".
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Welcome to the April 12, 2021 edition of This Week in WCIW, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada.
This past Thursday, Sony Pictures (owner of film labels like Columbia Pictures, TriStar, and Screen Gems) announced a new agreement with Netflix regarding streaming rights to Sony films.
There almost always ends up being a bit of broken telephone with these announcements, and if you came across this news through an American-focused tech site or at least one Canadian media outlet, you may have gotten the impression that this agreement includes Canada. In fact, as far as we can tell, it does not, except for a side agreement that will give Netflix worldwide rights to some Sony direct-to-streaming movies.
Here are the pertinent passages, quoted directly from the press release (emphasis added):
Netflix and Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) have today announced a multiyear, exclusive first pay window licensing deal in the U.S. for theatrically released SPE feature films, beginning with their 2022 film slate. This new agreement builds upon Netflix’s pre-existing output deal with Sony Pictures Animation films to now include all SPE film labels and genres. [...] Netflix will also license rights to select titles from SPE’s vast movie library.
As part of the partnership, Sony Pictures’ Motion Picture Group will offer Netflix a first look at any films it intends to make directly for streaming or decides later to license for streaming, and Netflix has committed to make a number of those films over the course of the deal.
This is absolutely a big deal for both Sony Pictures and Netflix (and it's not great news for Lionsgate, for reasons we'll get into shortly). And that second paragraph means that Sony will be looking at producing some direct-to-streaming films that – as a quote from a Netflix executive in the full press release makes clear – Netflix would have first dibs on streaming worldwide, including in Canada.
But – drawing your attention again to that "in the U.S." caveat – it seems clear that this deal does not affect streaming rights in Canada for Columbia or TriStar films that debut in theatres.
This deal is mainly replacing a similar U.S. contract that had been held since 2006 by Starz, and was most recently extended in 2013 to run through the end of this year. Starz is now owned by rival studio Lionsgate, and as a result of this loss, it will be much more dependent on Lionsgate's own films going forward. It also means that future Sony films will be available much more widely to American streaming customers, many more of whom subscribe to Netflix than Starz.
However, from everything we can tell, the Canadian contracts for Sony film rights are negotiated separately – and thus wouldn't be affected by this deal. Sony Pictures has not generally bothered to issue any similar announcements about Canadian pay TV contracts as it has done the U.S., and as of Sunday they had not responded to a request for clarification we sent them on Friday morning. But that having been said, based on where recent Sony films are available in Canada right now, this seems to be how these rights have sorted out:
Now, while this agreement doesn't affect Canada, it remains possible that there may be a similar change here at some point. There might be other discussions underway between Sony and Netflix – or others – for future rights to theatrical releases in international markets.
But nothing like that is apparent in this announcement. And Sony's transition to Prime Video Canada is recent enough that it seems very unlikely there'll be a similar simultaneous move here.
Here's why: As noted above, Sony has not announced any details on the arrangements it has with Amazon in Canada, such as how long it may last. However, three years (which, given the apparent fall 2019 start, would cover releases through summer 2022) seems to be the minimum length for a pay-1 output deal of this nature. Even that would be considered "unusually short", with most agreements being for the 5-10 year timeframe.
In other words, the Canadian rights to Sony films may change again at some point – but it's very unlikely it'll be changing at or around the same time as this new Netflix deal comes into effect in the U.S.
For now, the best we can do here is point out one of our rules of thumb: If an announcement – i.e., the actual press release – about programming rights does not explicitly say either "Canada", "North America", or "worldwide" (or otherwise refer to a Canada-specific service), there's a high probability that it does not actually include Canada – so don't get your hopes up.
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We'll see you again next week.
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