Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
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Listings for Jan. 15-21, 2024; why our newsletters are going on hiatus for the next few months.
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Welcome to the January 15, 2024, edition of Watching This Week, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada.
This will also be the last edition of this newsletter for the next few months, as we'll explain after this week's listings.
Compiled from our monthly listings and/or any subsequent updates we've come across. We strive for accuracy but schedules may change without notice. Some series/seasons may have weekly rollouts; we won't list new episodes every week (though we may note significant episodes such as series finales). *An asterisk denotes programming added in past weeks that we've learned about (or has been rescheduled) since our last newsletter.
After careful consideration, I’ve decided to put my work on WCIW’s weekly and monthly newsletters on hiatus until at least the end of April (i.e., in time for a potential May monthly listings roundup).
As much as I've enjoyed working on this site, the simple fact is that other priorities – including caring for my still-new, very cute, child – have made it difficult to give WCIW the attention it deserves. We are expecting minor changes to our family schedule in the spring; at that point, I will assess whether those will allow me to resume regular newsletters.
In the meantime, I may get around to updating some existing posts – like that one about Only Murders in the Building in which we said it probably wouldn't come to network TV (whoops!) – or adding new single-program posts, but I can’t make any promises.
Regardless, it is my current intention that the site will continue to remain online for the foreseeable future – even if updates remain sparse for now.
For the duration of this hiatus, it will not be possible to take out a new paid subscription to WCIW. However, our Buy Me a Coffee page will remain active. Our email address will also remain active, though replies to programming-related questions during this time will likely be minimal.
For those of you with paid subscriptions to WCIW, you will receive a separate email very shortly after this is sent out, with further information about how that will be handled.
Thanks for reading – we greatly appreciate your support. We'll see you again soon.
Where Can I Watch is an independent, bootstrapped web publication. We don't like to clutter our site with automated web ads, so we depend on our readers to support our hosting and maintenance costs.
If you find our posts useful, please consider a one-time donation through our Buy Me a Coffee page.