Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
News about "A Quiet Place Part 2" and "Infinite" on streaming in Canada.
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For those of you who may have recently signed up for updates from Where Can I Watch, welcome! Normally on Monday mornings we send out a This Week in WCIW newsletter covering news affecting Canadian TV and streaming programming, and recapping other recent updates on the site.
But as mentioned last week, the programming-related news has slowed down for the summer, so between that and the extended holiday weekend (for many of you, we hope), we've decided not to send a full edition of our newsletter this week.
We did want to point out that last week's "What's New in July" post has been updated to include listings for CBC Gem and Amazon Prime Video, which were released this past week.
The highest-profile release on either service that we didn't know about already is A Quiet Place Part Ⅱ, the horror sequel released by Paramount, which will land on Amazon Prime Video Canada (at no extra charge for Prime subscribers) on Tuesday, July 13. That's just 46 days after its May 28 theatrical release (in most of North America, anyways) – and one day after it arrives on the U.S. version of Paramount+.
Prime Video has similarly carried other recent Paramount theatrical releases, like The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, in the pay-1 window in Canada, meaning that absent a reworking of its deal similar to what happened in the U.S. with Epix, we would have expected AQP2 to show up first on Prime Video Canada anyways. So to be abundantly clear, there's been no indication that it will be available on Paramount+ Canada in the near future.
Separately, however, Paramount+ has announced that the Mark Wahlberg film Infinite, which went direct-to-streaming in the U.S. via that service, will also become available on Paramount+ in its other markets, including Canada, on August 11. We've posted a new page with additional details about that release.
So with that, that's all we have for this week. We hope to see you again with a regular newsletter next Monday.
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