Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
Updated listings for the last few days of December 2022.
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Hello, merry Boxing Day to those that observe, and happy holidays to all. This is the abbreviated December 26, 2022, edition of Watching This Week, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada.
This week, we have the listings for the next few days, but just that. We're still working on the monthly listings for January, which we hope to send out in the next few days, and we'll catch up on any news over the holiday period in our next regular newsletter on Monday, January 9.
One quick piece of news, in case you missed the update to the web version of last week's newsletter: the HBO Max docuseries The Last Movie Stars will finally be available in Canada on Hollywood Suite (available on most cable providers as well as Prime Video Channels) starting January 12. (Unfortunately our email provider mis-sorted the announcement when it was sent to us the previous Friday.) We've updated our existing post about the series with more details.
Compiled from our monthly listings and/or any subsequent updates we've come across. We strive for accuracy but schedules may change without notice. Some series/seasons may have weekly rollouts; we won't list new episodes every week (though we may note significant episodes such as series finales). Particularly notable premieres (in our rough estimation) are bolded. *An asterisk denotes programming added in past weeks that we've learned about (or has been rescheduled) since our last newsletter.
Thanks for reading – we greatly appreciate your support. If you like this newsletter, please consider forwarding to a friend who might be interested, or if you're in a position to do so, support our hosting costs with a paid subscription, which includes access to our movie streaming rights database, or on a one-time basis via our Buy Me a Coffee page.
A reminder that we do welcome questions by email at hello@wherecaniwatch.ca
; those of general interest may be included in future newsletters unless specifically requested.
If you're new to Watching This Week, you can catch up on past editions here, and sign up to receive future editions on our website at https://www.wherecaniwatch.ca/newsletter/. Or, if you're reading this on the web, you can use the form directly below.
We'll see you again next week.
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