Where can I watch Discovery Channel programming in Canada in 2025?
Having trouble finding shows like "Deadliest Catch" and "Highway Thru Hell" in Canada? Here's what you need to know.
A recap of the 2021-22 Canadian network schedule announcements, plus more news for the coming season.
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Welcome to the June 14, 2021 edition of This Week in WCIW, the weekly newsletter from Where Can I Watch – covering the latest news on where TV shows and movies will be available in Canada. Read on for news about the Canadian networks' fall schedules, and other programming coming to Corus' specialty channels.
Once again, thanks to those of you who support WCIW through our new paid subscription option, which helps keep the majority of the content on our site freely available to everyone without intrusive ads.
The fall schedules for the remaining major Canadian networks – CTV, Global, and Citytv – were released last week. We provided some analysis in our What's Next newsletter for paid subscribers this past Friday, but to roughly summarize:
Separately, Global parent company Corus confirmed a large number of new series coming to its specialty channels.
Many of these are Peacock Originals that we would have expected under Corus' output deal with NBCUniversal – including Dr. Death, MacGruber, Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol, One of Us is Lying, Bel-Air (the dramatic reboot of the Fresh Prince franchise), the Queer as Folk reboot, Bust Down, Baking It (a baking spinoff of Making It, which remains on CTV), and Ex Rated with Andy Cohen. You might be able to guess which Corus channels these shows will end up on, but officially that information is currently TBA.
Other confirmations of shows coming to either Showcase or W Network include Chucky (the Syfy series based on the Child's Play film franchise), Naomi (another CW series set in the DC multiverse), and the new season of A Million Little Things, which was dropped by Citytv. W Network will also be leaning even harder into Hallmark Channel programming, with a branded weekday block from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET (which makes sense, as that timeslot has typically been filled by repeat Canadian movies anyways).
YTV will have Paramount+'s Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years and the Rugrats reboot, and Teletoon will have HBO Max's Jellystone! and Tom and Jerry in New York.
In addiiton to our latest What's Next newsletter for paid subscribers, we've added posts about the UEFA Euro 2020 [sic] and Copa América 2021 soccer tournaments, which got underway over the weekend.
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We'll see you again next week.
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